Straight Angle™: ~Memories~
Monday, June 27, 2005


Memories are like rain drops that run over the glass window...even after the drop had fallen, the trail left behind stays......

Those are words that I would say to start this post...Yeah...I know it had been long since I blogged....Blame it on my sudden mood swings and general indifference to anything to do with this blog...I don't know why, but suddenly I lost all interest to write anything on this blog...But, as such, Life goes on....Also of some effect was the books that I was reading...."To Kill a Mocking Bird"(Harper Lee), "Atlas Shrugged"(Ayn Rand), "Swift as Desire"(Laura Esquivel), had kept me engaged throughout the last week...it is not that I had finished all the books...I had just finished the first and the last...I am currently reading "Atlas Shrugged"....

I had regained my interest in this blog...I wouldnt let it die...It had been my companion in worst of times....it had taken my joy, sorrow, trust, betrayal, praises, criticisms...had been my partner in crime, had been my best friend and my worst enemy...now enough of this senti-"mentalism".....

Will come back to the post...rather I have nothing to tell...except that I bought the "Atlas Shrugged" just yesterday after a prolonged discussion on to buy this one or "Lolita"..Thank god I settled for this...but I had already spent 5% of my salary on books this month....so would have to stop buying books this month....

To end the post:

Memories of the past that was glorious would do nothing to make the future any better....all that is left of the past is the trail of the raindrop over the glass window.......


Blogger Subramaniam Avinash said...

damn! here i thought you were going to focus on google. speaking of which, what's ur take on google maps and their continuing campaign to map the world?

6/27/2005 10:30 PM  
Blogger Krish said...

@Dopppsy:BTW, as always I think "Dont think Evil" will guide the Google forward...Yeah...I know their Maps can be used to what all U had said. (though I think it wud be ur fault to let ur wife's lingerie to be visible to the satellite)....I think with the advent of Google Maps, it is more easier to even tarck down crime...check out this site...http://www.chicagocrime.org/
This site gives you a good overview of what is possible with the technology, that google had unvieled...but it also as with any other technology, there are two sides to the coins...technology as such is a two sided sword...if U are not carefull with it, it will hurt you too...think what happened with the yahoo chat rooms...now coz of crimes against children, Yahoo had been forced to shut down its chat rooms...that will happen to Google too if it isnt carefull...

6/27/2005 11:53 PM  

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