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Straight Angle™: Out of Blue!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2004Out of Blue!!!Ofcourse that meant my monday morning blues. Iam just out of my T-Group sensitivity training and to say the least it had been one of the most stressfull stuff I have ever been through. Just to give a single instance where I felt not really bad is the game that was based on the Prisoner's Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium. In this game there were three teams and they have to play a set of decisions based on a certain pay-off table. The logic or the aim of the game was for the team to win the game by acheiving the target that was set by the team at the onset. Now there are 3 rounds in this game and the first round the teams have to play in isolation ie there is no exchange of information. But at the start of second round, the teams can meet and discuss a suitable strategy so that they can play the game.The equilibrium in the first round is a negative payoff, because no team knows what the other team is going to decide and so their individual payoff makes it imperative to choose a negative payoff..otherwise the other teams would gain at the expense of this team. But in the second round, the teams can consult and decide on choosing a particular payoff, so that all teams gain. So, when our team representative went for discussion, we know what to speak and after the discussion, we decided to change our stand because that is the only way to "win" the game....U decide along with the other team on a particular score and then select a different score-so that the other teams get a negative score..actually this is the only way a team can "Win" the game. We decided to choose a different score and the other teams felt they were betrayed..this led to a huge hue and cry from them and today the same teams were to play a game on the basis of Comparative Advantage. Now the same teams which cried then made the same mistakes and also justified that the real world is not so...how hilarious...but that is how Human mind is- isnt it?...This course made me understand many facets of men and their thoughts...more about that in piecemeal way... Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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