Straight Angle™
Sunday, September 05, 2004
After a long time(!!!) (exactly two days) I am comig to the blogdom. Though in real sense it doesnt make a great difference, I found it to be a long time as I was constantly remainded of me not blogging. I tried to get the posts across mail but then I didnt get time to sit down and write some thing. But that things apart, I have got some interesting things to share.
1. There was a speech by Mr. Sauvik Chakraverti on Liberal- Political Economy. It was a refreshing speech but I found it difficult to agree with some of his prescriptions...
  • Decrease spend on Education and Health. India doesnt need such spend right now...As and when India develops economically, then these can be taken care of.
  • Open up boundries uni-laterally.
  • Promote Free-Trade...Dont worry about the billions of subsidiary that American Farmers get...Just make your farmers produce better by opening up unilaterally.
  • Dont worry about Village development. Just concentrate on improving the amenities of the cities.

I dont understand how these things can be done... Why dont you provide all the amenities in the villages itself and make the villages a town or a city?. Why should you encourage people to migrate to cities and strain the already virtual facilities in the cities?

When I googled for his name - know what came first?....Check this out... Would this be true?. How can a person of such a stature be like this?. Now Iam even more confused... Should I take this guy's speech seriously and think over it or should I just ignore him...But would it be correct to ignore a person just because he has done some thing which I cannot prove?. What if he hadnt done these things...then I will be loosing out something..Isnt it? What if I take him serious...What can I do...The best I can do is to change my Idealogy...What is the use of it?Nothing great.....so it is as good as ignoring....when given two equally useless choices....what difference would it make to pursue a choice of one's interest? Iam not a liberal- as he would call it...but I can agree with many of his arguments....but not all...


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