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Straight Angle™: Friendship!!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2004Friendship!!!!Today some interesting thing happened..Today is my usual monthly Fast(Prathosham..as it is called).So will complete the fast going to the temple and taking the Prasatham as the fast-break. So I was waiting to go to the temple, when one of our friends, (Tamilian and my very distant relative..by chance, as also our batch topper by Kms difference) asked whether he would come. Agreed to go together and so he went to get his scotterete.There is a bit upward slope in front of out Hostel Garage- so I thought I would get in the scotter once he crosses the slope coz I thought the vehicle wouldnt take two at once. But I had already storde the vehicle when I told this..I think he didnt hear what I told. He shoud have thought I have taken my seat in the pillion and hence he started with full speed- and Went...I shouted at him, clapped as hard as I can but to no avil. So, I started walking, all the way expecting a surprised guy coming back searching for me. With all these wishull thinking I reached the temple. Till then he hadnt come searching for me as I expected. But still I expected him to stand at the gate of the temple so we both would enter the temple together.But he wasnt there at the gate too. I was a bit surprised. I searched for his scotter and there it was at one end. Satisfied he is in the temple, I started the usual rounds- that we do whenever we come to the temple all the way praying. Then I thougt atleast he would wait for me in the entrance of the main deity. He wasnt there too.I lost all hope of finding him. Then he was there sitting at the prakaram. I thought he would open the dialogue asking what happened...why I didnt get onto the vehicle...He didnt ask...not only that, he behaved as if nothing had happened....I dont understand this behaviour. U ask a person where he is going, ask him to wait for U and then tells him to get with U in ur Scotter and for some reason(here the fault of not getting into the scotter might be mine too- I should have made it clear to him or atleast made sure he heard what I spoke) but still, when I see that the man supposed to be with me in the back is not there I would atleast come back and see what happened to him..I think that is the normal courtesy to show anyone whom I consider friend. This behaviour I dont understand. I didnt show there was something to be worried about.I just was as if nothing had happened and came back from the temple. What can be told about these people? There might be problems with me too. I might be expecting too much...but I think I can expect atleast an enquiry from a person whom I consider friend. More than his leaving me, his indifference is what hurts me most...I dont know whether I should change myself and stop expecting things from people..May be I should do it...But then wouldnt I become the enlightened one....Am I fit to be one as yet? Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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