Straight Angle™: Idea(s)!!!
Friday, October 29, 2004


I had always enjoyed a ride in the window seat- whether it is in a car or a bus or Train, but for the shabby hair style that it invariably leaves after the ride... what with an ultra-thick and rough hair that I have, correcting it had always been a problem...but thinking a bit, it occurs to me that this exists because, the air enters the vehicle from the top portion of the window because, the window is being operated bottom-top... ie the window rises into the top from the bottom...so when you want to have the feel of air, then you invariably had to sacrifice your hair-stlye, but what if the window has to slide from top- bottom?... is it not possible to develop thin glasses that can be rolled into?... The glasses offer practically no other use except blocking sun and rain... this can be done with thin glass too..infact with ease..also, it can be a fibre glass with extra strength, so the safety of the passengers inside need not be compromised..I will enjoy the air with my hair-style intact..

Another problem that normal car users have is mist formation inside the car during driving at rainy season... why does mist form in the first place?.. coz the temperature inside the car and the temperature outside arent same and it is hot inside the car as compared to outside... then there can be two ways to correct it...either increase the outter temperature... or decrease the inner temperature..but decreasing the inner temperature isnt always possible...in the sense... would you like to have A/c in winter?... then increasing the outter temperature would be possible too...atleast near the surface of the glass... for this you can use the engine itself... have a small tank that is heated by the engine itself and a small( very low power rated motor) and pump the water to the top and make it flow across the glass, so that the external temperature increases, this would ideally get rid of the water vapour that settles inside.. this might be a costly proposition but I think worth a try.


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