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Straight Angle™: Bush set to spoil Indo-Russian nuke ties
Thursday, October 21, 2004Bush set to spoil Indo-Russian nuke tiesThis sort of American belligerent mood is something India has learned to live with and if necessary to bend and move around it. But what the recent issue points to is the weakening of even the Russian connection and the apparent problems that this would pose for India. Till now atleat we were sure of the Russian support in case of emergency. The fear expressed by the russian authorities that US may stop supplies mid sea is worrisome... add this with their support to Pakistan and their blind-eye to China's excesses, we have a potentially dangerous situation at our doors, that needs some immediate attention.. and our Netas are busy fighting petty battles. Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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