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Straight Angle™: Veerappan's kid won't be ousted: Principal - Sify.com
Thursday, October 21, 2004Veerappan's kid won't be ousted: Principal - Sify.comAtlast this is what I would have prayed for..but yet the scars of the wound would always be there..till now the kid had studied along with others as a non-entity, but from tomorrow, when the kid enters school, will her friends not call her names and tease her for no mistake of hers? Can the media, which did the ugly act remedy this...irresponsible media is not required in this country. I would be blissfully happy in the absence of certain information. Who would have bothered about the kid if the media not spoken about this.. Media in India couldnt differentiate between news and entertainment.. for them every news is an entertainment and every bit has to be used to boost sales and increase the circulation. Irresponsible behaviour.. What would the future be for the kid..whose only fate was to have born for the bandit.. and there are section of people already claiming him to be innocent( what with the films that flocked the screen some years back)..these sort of self-apppointed enlighteners is as bad as self-annointed protectors of culture. The Media atleast after this should behave in a more responsible manner.. what exactly the reporter and the editor of the newspaper thought while publishing the matter?.. whom were they targeting with such a news?... The media owes an apology to the girl for making her life miserable..though this is completely legal to have published the news, is it moral and correct? Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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