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Straight Angle™: Damn the East African Tyre Industry!!!!
Thursday, August 19, 2004Damn the East African Tyre Industry!!!!Ye, all those Blogg world buddies.......
Kindly forgive me for all the spelling, logical mistakes I make in this post and also for wasting ur time. I am getting frustrated with the Kenyan, Ugandan and Tanzanian Tyre industry. This assignment is seriously bugging me for the last 3 days. Tomorrow is the submission and i hadnt got any substantial details yet. The bug that is assignment that too in International business is one such thing that u need some rock hard data to back up and the car sales data for these three countries is not coming by. I read all of Sindhu's blog jus now when waiting for the PDF files to download and then scanning them like a scanvenger for dead flesh. This really sucks.....sigh.. MRF tyres will do well not to go anywhere and sit well simply because there is no car sales for that matter not even Automobile sales in these three countries...then to whom will MRF sell its tyres- to the search engines? May be this post will look like being posted in a inebriated condition... let it be so...actually it is worse than that.. Iam sitting in the same place for the past 7 hours...from 11 in the morning to now almost 6. I didnt have many classes today and that didnt help me in any way... things are only worse..better i will submit a stupid assignment...but that is how iam feeling right now. This post is gonna be hilarious..... incohesive..incorrigible.....illogical...irrational...wat r the other words to describe these emotions...now iam unable to think of any thing other than africa, tyre, sales ,market size...etc.......damn it....at last google...simply amazing..... Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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