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Straight Angle™: Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Monday, August 09, 2004Bhopal Gas TragedyJus out of Ethics class by Prof.R.C.Shekar. His view of things sadens me. He tells the UCC tragedy was the result of Indian Slavery to American Imperialism. I can agree that there had been a grave negligiance in the part of UCC, but I cant agree to his view of Indian Slavery. Had the case been with an Indian Company, would there be difference in his views?. There are thousands dying in India due to many other Industries- will he held all of them responsible just by saying that India has become Slave to Capitalistic Mindset?.
The case had a referrence to one Mr. Mukund who was the Works Manager in UCC at the time of the Accident. Prof's view was that he had to be held responsible for the tragedy. I agree with that. He ought to be held responsible, but the system has also to be blamed. May be Iam a bit diasy here. The Prof tells that one had to get the permission of everyone concerned before taking a decision and he tells that UCC hasnt got the permission of the people living nearby and the one who were enjoying the fruits of the pesticides being produced there were some rich farmers in Punjab and not the ones living in Bhopal. When this happens, his logic goes that any right minded person should not work in such a place because he gets paid for heavily. If the same logic is applied to himself, then He should have resigned from the Finance Director Post of Coal India- Is Coal India getting the permission of the Tribals who live in the Forest before clearing it for Mining or does it rehabilitates all those who lost their livelihood because of the Coal Fields? This dual standards of Ethics really worries me. How will one justify the Nuclear Power Plants that were built and that are being Built- because there cant be a decision if everyone's views has to be taken into consideration. It is always easy to speak of Democracy but the practising part- might be tricky. Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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