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Straight Angle™: After a break!
Monday, October 10, 2005After a break!Life, they say is a roller coaster ride...I would say, it is a bloody roller coaster ride!...Sometimes, we just wounder at the events that keep happening around us, over which we have no control(or, so we think- may be we dont want to own the responsibility). I dont know why something happens, or why it doesn't! But, I do know for sure, there would be logic and reason for everything that happens..That logic might not be a convincing one for the receiver, but for the action itself, it must have been a sufficient condition. So, instead of crying over the spilled milk, just go over and clean up the surface and next time, take the milk in a half full glass! Uff..guess that blabbering would do for a post. But for the kind reader who would be wondering about the sudden slag in the posting, I would just like to throw up the reasons, why I didn't post. May be the reasons are not convincing enough for you...But remember, these were the sufficient conditions for me not blogging! Been to Agumbe!..Yeah again!..But this time, to the real Agumbe. Regular visitors here might remember the agumbe visit that we did when I was in TAPMI. Being in Mangalore, and being with such wonderfully, enthusiastic friends, one can possibly think about such an adventure to be the obvious weekend trip. I mean, when we went to that place last time, we thought that we are going to Agumbe. Since, we had the car with us, we never thought of even asking anyone for the route and all..we just went straight ahead to some place and thought that it was Agumbe. But, when I confidently told the office guys that I had been to Agumbe and that I would organise the trip/trek, little did I know the potential mind field that I was entering! From now, I will enter the conversation mode! The Scene: Inside the hired cab. Actors: Me, two collegues- let us call them, V n S V: ennanga, where is Agumbe! Me: Just 5 minutes from here! V:But, wasn't it supposed to be a trek?, We are now, climbing the mountain in the vehicle itself...where do we trek then? Me: We will trek down! V: Ummmm... After some uncomfortable turns and more beautiful scenaries cross, Me: This place is so beautiful...I hadnt seen this like this before! V: What? U hadnt come here before? Me: I think I hadnt come here before! S: Stop!!...Driver Stop the vehicle...Where are we going? Driver: Agumbe Sir!- We would reach there in 5 minutes! Me: Driver- is there any other way to reach Agumbe than this? Driver: No sir!..This is the only way, that we take to reach Agumbe! Me: But I had never come to this place before! V n S: Then where the hell had u been? Me: I had been to Agumbe! Driver: This is Agumbe! Me: This is not the Agumbe that I came to! Driver: There was just silence... There was confusion for the next half an hour, with me making frantic calls to people from Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai and all trying to wake them up from their deep slumber of a Sunday morning! Then, got the number of Raj's home and called him up...then got the biggest shock of my life...that place that we went that day, was not at all Agumbe..I had all along been thinking that, I had been to Agumbe...but in reality, I had been to a place that is a full 6 Kms before it, and is called "Sita Falls"...take a loook at that here! ![]() Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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