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Straight Angle™: Couple of quick bites!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005Couple of quick bites!So, there was a news item some days back that, Google might be considering buying Slashdot! Yeah, I understand that it is rumour, but the thought itself is not something that ought to be rubbished on!..Slashdot, as I had understood, has one of the most effective moderation logic[PDF File] built into it and is in someways similar to the page ranking algorithm that Google uses.
Now, the page ranking technology too is a modified version of this "Mob-Moderated" logic, where in I call Social Ranking!!. I know, Google had been trying to perfect this technology, but what I see them going towards is, starting off as a fun, then slowly moving towards a more user moderated search engine, that would be very near to the context specific search that is the Holy Grail of the search engine wars. Let us take the example of this fun at Googleplex! What is this, but Slashdot style Moderation? and I don't think Googlers are so much without work to try working on this hard-to-build system, without planning something big! Think how Google can use this moderation with personalised search...The user can moderate the search results- just like the "Remove Result" option that personalised Google search offers now, and as this option gets used by more and more people, there is a way to control spam in the search results! And as an after thought, will leave you with a couple of links that I thought would be worth sharing! Does belief in God Bad and Injurious to health? [Via Metafilter] If you are interested in Market Research, then I guess you need to take a look at this one![Via O'Reilly] Just a sequel read to my earlier posting on the Tagging phenomenon. This one deals with the Cognitive Process of Tagging! Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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