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Straight Angle™
Wednesday, May 18, 2005Changed my Ring-tone From: 8g2 16- 8g2 1- 16- 8c2 16ff2 32- 16d2 32- 8g2 16- 8g2 1- 8- 8- 8g2 16- 8g2 16- 8d2 16- 8d2 16- 8c2 16c2 16c2 32c2 32c2 4f2 32f2 8- 16- 8g2 16- 8g2 16- 8d2 16- 8d2 16- 8c2 16c2 16c2 32c2 32c2 4f2 32f2 [Tempo- 160] To: 8c3 8- 8e3 8- 8g3 8- 8b2 8- 8c3 8- 8b2 4- 8- 8g2 8b2 8c3 8- 8e3 8- 8g3 8- 8b2 8- 8c3 8- 8b2 2- 8- 4e2 1.b2 2- 4c3 4b2 4g2 4.e2 8g2 1e2 4- 8c2 8b1 4c2 4e2 4e2 1g2 8e2 8c2 4e2 4g2 4g2 1b2 [Tempo - 200] The previous ringtone doesn't sound good anymore..but with both the tones being Illayaraja's songs, I am finding it great whenever someone calls me after office hours...It is really loud, when the phone rings at office, as if shattering the tapas of sadhus...and the look everyone gives at the tone, GOD, I would just bury myself in hot sand and die... I read an article in Times of India today morning that spoke about the radiation risk that the cell-phones pose to men...But I think that is for people who eat, drink and sleep their cell-phones..I have seen myself getting addicted to any technology that I start using, be it radio, TV, Internet, Blogging...I pray I wouldn't get addicted to the Mobile... Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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