Straight Angle™: An Awesome achievement!!!!
Monday, February 14, 2005

An Awesome achievement!!!! 

Was flipping through some news pages, when this item interested me....read about this here too...A wonderful achievement indeed...
A blind student has developed software that turns colors into musical notes so that he can read weather maps. Victor Wong, a graduate student from Hong Kong studying at Cornell University in New York State, had to read colored maps of the upper atmosphere as part of his research. (via BBC)
The guy has done a really amazing work...to convert colors into sounds bytes, and to interpret them back into colors is mind blowing....but what was even more intriguing is that, the ability of a person to imagine colors and identify them..the guy had been with vision before, so he couldn't find it difficult to imagine colours...In his own words,
"Color is something that does not exist in the world of a blind person," explains Wong. "I could see before, so I know what it is. But there is no way that I can think of to give an exact idea of color to someone who has never seen before." (via Cornell )
Wong had designed a system, that would read the colors on the Computer screen with the use of a stylus that would move over the screen just like a mouse, and the associated program would convert the colors into Piano notes. There are in total about 88 notes corresponding to many of the colors starting from Blue (of the lowest note) to Red (of the highest note).
A Visually unable person (from birth) would have no way of understanding the colors....Red, Yellow, Blue, and other colors would be just words for him and would convey no meaning whatso ever...Color would just be another dimension for him, not to be understood or even felt for ever....Is there any way he can feel the color???..If this experiment succeeds, may be there would be an avenue open to the Visually unabled person to feel the colours...may be through Music and Sound, but nevertheless would be feeling the colors....I would hope for such a state.


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