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Straight Angle™: NDTV- Get your facts first!
Saturday, April 22, 2006NDTV- Get your facts first!Saturday morning around 9:30 AM, was as usual browsing through channels, when I stumbled upon the AajTak news item. With my excellent hindi reading speed, all I could make out was "Pramod mahajan ki goli maari", that too after that was shown repeatedly for three times. Couldn't follow much of the other news information that kept running beneath- switched immediately to NDTV. Waited patiently for sometime before all that they said made some sense. For example, let us hear(read) a typical converstaion that went on: News reader(I forgot her name)- let us name her N and the reporter- Shai Venkatraman. Let she be S. N: Senior BJP leader and BJP General Secretary Mr. Pramod Mahajan was shot at by his own brother Praveen Venkatesh Mahajan at his home today morning. Let us go to Shai for further information. Shai, tell us about the incident and what is happening at the hospital. S:blah..blah..blah..(essentially what N had already told) N: Thanks Shai for the update(where is that??). Also tell us the responsibilities that Mr. Mahajan held in BJP. S: Yeah...Mr.Mahajan is one of the predominant..errr....Prominent leaders of BJP. He is one of the second generation..errr...younger generation leaders...responsible for the image in several states....errr....image of BJP in several states..he had been in various important responsibilites....errr...right now, his health is the only important concern. N: Thanks for the information Shai. Now, please for heavens sake- don't let people who know just to speak and not what they are speaking to handle such issues. Mahajan responsible for the image of party??- what is that?? like Chief Image Officer or something?? Dont you know that he is one of the General Secretaries of the party? Dont you know that he was responsible for the poll related activities in the current elections?? Dont you know that he was the Union minister for Information Technology in the previous NDA government? Cant you collect your facts before coming to present them, rather than saying stupid things in TV? A piece of suggestion to the News Reader too- Dont assume that your reporter knows everything just because you know them or you want to know them!! NDTV- Please get your facts first- then you can try to get them right! On a completely different tangent, got to watch this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7399792002477900458 (This is for the non-Indian readers, for whom Google Video works) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szUydW7tjKc (This is for Indian chaps..as usual for whom Google Video doesn't work) Was satisfied watching something worthwhile after a long time. Very much pleased and felt good for a piece of music! ~Cross posted at Third Eye. Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
Disclaimer: All that is written in this blog are the personal opinions of the author and are in no way representative of the organisation that the author has worked for or is working for or would be working for in the future.
@Krithiga: Google Reader does work for all. It was the Google Video that wasnt working. Seems to be working now. Weird....really!
@Vidya: True!
If I am not wrong, that news reader was Nidhi Razdan. :-)
Yes.. NDTV has a lot to clean up.
hi krish, read about ur prevading...shall i say indifference or apathy towards ur blog...or maybe its just weariness. keep that desire to write alive...it will be the greatest stimulation to keep ur blog alive...u must b thinking, "these women, they don't have any other work than lecturing and advising!" haha, well, my blog is a year old too, just finished a year this feb...but there is so much i want to write still...hmm, read ur pramod mahajan post and about the NDTV reporting...i agree, these ppl who speak or act as correspondents, many of them do not actually know what they are speaking on, clearly...but i guess u need a pssion for the field ur into to develop that knowledge..something that many lack nowdays. good post by the way...try not to shut up ur blog, that's a humble suggestion.
@Indian Voter: Thank you very much for the information.:)
@Amrita:Yup Amrita.The mere fact that I had written that I want to quit, speaks for itself that I will not quit!(or atleast I think so)..Well, thanks for the comments and the encouraging words. Will def try my best!
actually the newsreader in question was Smriti Rao, not Nidhi Razdan. Nidhi toook over much later, though she should have come in earlier. Smriti was a disaster
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