Straight Angle™: Me and my cell!
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Me and my cell! 

My cell loves me like none other ever loved(It doesnt matter none really loved me)....It follows me faithfully whereever I go....however I treat it, manhandle it, it never cribs- never goes on a strike- doesn't say I would not speak with you..doesn't neglect me...Oh!!..It's such a wonderful friend..like no other.

But, for a cell phone with all these and some more, it is in wrong hands- It went mute on October 2- closely following me by two days...From that day, I am unable to hear it "ring"- It just vibrates- It vibrates with all its power- the most it can do...with such a lazy guy holding it...

It fell down on October 2nd on a hard rock from a height of about 7 feet and after that, it stopped ringing. I had tried all possible means to make it ring my favourite tune..no use..it wouldn't budge..and I had been very lazy to say the least to take it to a service center. Also, I find it comfortable. Anyways, I would put it in Vibrate mode when in office - and it is an open secret that I end up spending most of my day in Office. So the only time when I want to hear it ring is, when I am not in office and when I am sleeping(These are not mutually exclusive).

Being an accustomed sleeper that I am, I can hardly be awakened from my sleep- by anything. Now-a-days, I end up putting the cell beneath my pillow, so that when it rings, I get that horrible vibration right under my pillow and I can't sleep any further without responding to it. Though I find it little irritating at times, it is the best alarm that I had ever come across.

It is virtually impossible to put the alarn off, except by getting up and taking the cell phone from beneath the pillow and switching the alarm off- which effectively drives your sleep.

I pride myself for being such an innovative mind- turning a potential disadvantage into such an utility- none can be more intelligent than I am.:P
This post is a tribute to the wonderfull cell that I have got and the great relationship that I share with it!


Blogger DD said...

Krish, even I was feeling bad when my cell was behaving erratically after serving for some 3 years! We take this small companion so much for granted!!

2/28/2006 3:43 AM  

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