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Straight Angle™: avanum - avaLum matrum silavum!
Saturday, November 26, 2005avanum - avaLum matrum silavum!அவன்: சுவையில்லா இனிப்பு, மலரில்லா கொடி, வேரில்லா மரம், நிலவில்லா இரவு, வேனிலில்லா காலம், பனியில்லா மார்கழி, ஆதவனில்லா பகல், பணியில்லா அலுவல், பாதையில்லா பயணி, மழையில்லா மேகம், மனிதமில்லா மானுடன். அவள்: சுவை, மலர், வேர், நிலா, வேனில், பனி, ஆதவன், பணி, பாதை, மழை, மனிதம், மற்றும்- கருணையில்லா கடவுள்.......... An English version of the same: He: Tasteless Sweet, Flowerless climber, Rootless tree, Moonless night, Springless Year, Fogless December, Sunless day, Workless Job, Routeless Traveller, Rainless cloud, Unhuman Man. She Taste, Flower, Root, Moon, Spring, Fog, Sun, Work, Route, Rain, Humanity, And- Unsympathetic God......... Ok...so enough of senti"mental" posts..now, as I keep reading things, I keep storing some interesting links for that day/time to be posted on to my blog later in the day. Sometimes I make a post- sometimes, I don't and I end up with chunks of dated folders(with a naming convention of "ddmm-Interesting"- so that I can remember the dates) in my favourites drop down! Mostly, the source of the link too would be made note of as a sub folder inside the favourites item folder. But, yesterday, I had made a mistake of not storing them in sub folders- so I cant provide the source of any of the links here...So, I dont claim any responsibility for the authenticity of the links posted here..though all are taken from sites that I trust the most- like Slashdot, Engadget, Meta-filter etc., So, go ahead and enjoy the links!:)
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arumayana kavidhai..
Is there a link between this poem and the previous article "i hate love"?
@Skely:Thanks for the comment!.Do you see any links there?:|..if u had indeed seen the link, then hats off to you!:)
Finally your comment link opened for me! I donot know why it hangs so often.
Coming to your kavidhai, I liked the "karunai illaa kadavul" under the 'matrum sila' part... too good!
Oh...finally I get a comment from you...sinq/cosq DD..u know what..I need to add one more verse there I guess...Bugg illa IEum...problem illa DDum..=))..ROTFL..hows that for a change?..
BTW, I too liked that part very much...somehow it didnt translate properly in English...
"Idhudhaanda Kavithai"
Superb man! (What's the smiley for clapping?)
@Manoj:Thanks for the comment!
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