Straight Angle™: Projects delayed by 13 yrs! Billions lost
Friday, November 05, 2004

Projects delayed by 13 yrs! Billions lost 

Projects delayed by 13 yrs! Billions lost
Why does this happens in India time and again...Is our collective mentality of being care-free to be blamed?. Would it be the effect of Hinduism which sees things in a much larger time frame and thus might lead to an "enlightenment" that suggest whatever you do, it is the karma that rules?..Why is this issue of Cost-overrrun so prevalent in India, that there can virtually be no project without it..may be the greatest contribution of India to the world is the concept of Cost overrun and Project delays..A delay of 13 years cannot be explained by ordinary mortals..coz that is far greater than a Project Manager's remaining employable period in the Government...that means when a Project Manager retires, the project too retires...how sad?..can there be a solution to it...can there be accountability put into those decisions that make a project unviable within the project implementation phase itself...How can the Project Managers be held responsible for their decisions?...Will this be possible only with the Law?(atleast in the short run)..I know anything that is prescribed by the law without being accepted by the people would eventually be a failure..not only that it would lead to negative results too..a double whammy...Then does this mean that we need to come down to basic level- Education that would produce responsible citizens?..But can the Nation wait till that is achieved? what would be the repurcusions of such a policy on the other facets of Governance.. Then whatelse is the way out from this seemingly unending maze that we have got into...I think one way out would be more "Decentralisation", "Democratisation" and "Self-sustaining local governance"..With the last one there can be true Democracy..The sourge of Democracy is that it is painfull and often the process is harder to follow..but as far as I can think of that is the best possible way out..The Best Indian Business School Blog


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