Straight Angle™
Monday, August 02, 2004
Tried out the new Indiatimes Blog- Sick- reminds me of the Blogger site itself. The confirmation box, the design and the symbols and etal. They are in striking similarity with the blogger site and that is what makes me feel sick-cant they think of their own?. Why should they copy another site?. Otherwise, EPISODE came to an end..... We Lost by a very Narrow margin-20 points..BAD.... Got first in publicity, collage, Art and Aesthetics, second in debate, face painting, and I don't remember what others-- but EPISODE wasn't without controversies- the winners were caught red handed while trying to cheat but still just to maintain dignity, they were allowed to continue and that cost us our first place. Now I feel, whether we had been a bit too engrossed to portray a Goody -Goody picture and there had been no use by it. What we got was a second Place and we weren't able to explain why we got what we got to the Juniors. They had been a wonderful batch. After this defeat, I am yet to be convinced that being dignified pays- I don't want to do things jus for the sake of doing it- I want results and when we are denied that should we remain mute spectators of things as they unfold?. I was very furious yesterday and we went to a Dance Party after the events- OMG- I hadn't danced like that in my life. Suffering from Cramps now- But that was more due to frustation than due to happiness. We got first for Promotions- the site was a deciding factor. Great but a small consolation. sigh........


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