Straight Angle™
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Its fine today.. I had a severe cold for the past 2 days that bugged me down from doing any work and today it is fine atleast iam able to speak..... ofcourse I cough a lot but still life goes on..
If u ask me the best medicine for cold I would say nothing, as my father used to tell " Cold goes off in 1 week if u take medicine and in 7 days if u don't take one"- so which one is better?
Today I met a person as part of our project- he is the counrty sales head of a company and his interaction proved to be great. Actually I had been trying for this appointment for a very long time- to be accurate for the past 15 days. But I couldn't make it bcoz of various reasons. But today I made it. He was considerate, patient and had excellent knowledge. The details would make a report in itself but still we need to pump up the numbers a bit more.
I would only hope I get to meet such people many times. u knou its really encouraging to meet some one knowledgeable and willing to share it.
its getting late but i cant help it . i need to catch a train and that would be like asking for Gods address to Satan. let me ask that tooo.....


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Swarnasrikrishnan, Male, 28, India, Tamilnadu, Chennai, Tamil, English, Malayalam, German, Hindi(??)

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