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Straight Angle™: April 2005
Saturday, April 30, 2005This day that Age!!April 30th had been the defining day in the annals of the world history..mostly for great, earth shattering reasons..Hitler's death, Vietnam's freedom etc…It had been so for me too…three years ago that was the day, when I came out of my college ( and some other last too)..that was the day when I finished my engineering…(that was the day when I saw some of my colleagues for the last time..though I get to meet my real close guys very often, I would like to meet others too... )then other two April 30th came and went…they didn't give me the content as the 2002 April 30th gave me…but this April 30th gave me yet another taste of that day….I had been to my alma mater, but this time..it was my school in Neyveli…wow!! Wonderful memories cuddle me from all sides…the library, the auditorium, the playground, the prayer ground…Ohhhh!!! I miss you my school…met some of my teachers….they remember me….felt so good…really good… sat beneath our lunch time tree…the same tree, which we would have kicked, huddled, broke the branches off, shrugged it after rain and enjoyed the down pour…really nostalgic…met the principals…much water had flown beneath the bridge…almost all the staff and teachers remain....went to my class…XII A…it has a peculiar taste..went to my bench..after 7 years…all along my education, I had sat at the third bench…third row..third column…that's the middle ground…comfortable for all the not-so-open issues…reading novels, teasing out, launching rockets/ chalk pieces…and yet listen to the class and seem to be an obedient guy...so many things possible… So many new buildings…but the scent remains the same…the banyan tree…the endless swings that we made in them..nostalgic…the staff room…the submissions, the slip tests, the monthly tests and the exams…punishments, homeworks, class works…Uffff.. The prayer ground is of peculiar importance to me( and some 10 others)…we were the elite group, that got caught for apparently teasing the gals and beaten during the morning prayer session…but the truth is that we teased the Sir…but he being unable to admit that we teased him, complained that we teased the gals… The incident still remains fresh in my mind…It happened when I was in XII standard...the entire class was awaiting the computer lab practicals…we were divided into batches and all the gals were in a single batch..so, when that batch went into the lab, guys would be free…so, we sat beneath the trees and started the bhakar…we had "pseudonym"ed our computer Sir and we used to refer him by that name…one of the guys(not me…I wasn't that courageous then..) just shouted the name, when the Sir was walking towards the Lab followed by the girls…he had heard it…when we went into the lab, he called us and started advising on why we should treat the gals studying with us with dignity and not tease them…the guy who teased him, went to him and said in face that we teased not the gals but him…Sir's face..Ohhhh…it is hilarious to think of it even now…but he caught the entire batch and said all of us teased the gals…He even agreed for a deal…that we would admit who did it and he would leave all others…none revealed the name…so, the next day…all 11 were called in the prayer meeting and were beaten in hand…the princi remembered the incident and asked who did it…I couldn't tell it now… Thursday, April 28, 2005A try at something I am not good at!Of late I have been thinking of starting a Tamil blog. But then, it might be just another short lived venture. Now I am reading some old Tamil literature pieces- Silappathikaaram and Ponniyin Selvan. These two had inspired me to think of a Tamil blog. I actually wrote something in Tamil. But then I couldn’t as yet post anything in Tamil. So, I have translated that in English and posting it here. I feel that I have lost the charm with the translation. I couldn’t get the same sense with the translated piece. I could sympathize with the translated If Icouldnt translate my own piece in a language that I know, those translating some others piece should be even more pitiable. Now, either I couldn’t find a suitable word or there is singly no word to describe certain emotions. For example: Can the same sense of difference be brought in English between “Ila-Nagai”, “Pun-sirippu” and “Kuru-Nagai”?. The single word in English is “Smile”. But then I still have the Tamil original. But I don’t have the interest or the patience to type tamil in English. So, here I go with my English version. The sun had started his turn of hiding in the Hide-n-Seek game he plays with the moon. She too had started the search. Even after using her own energies, she couldn’t find him. She then takes up the thousands of torchlights that she has at her disposal. The sun had left behind his crimson red tacks and his trails can still be seen in the sky. The moon had even taken the help of the birds in their flocks. They too search for the Sun along with the Moon and are in the game. A faint scent of Neem and Pavizamalli flowers fill in the terrace. The gentle breeze has been carrying the fragrance to some distance. The large mango and the coconut trees along the house had been trying hard to stop the theft by the breeze, with their branches and leaves, but in vain. The breeze had been winning all along and it seems the trees too accept their defeat by constant frigging of their leaves. He lies there in the terrace on an easy armchair, starring at some of the torchlights that the moon had lit to search for her playmate. On his right is a small chair with a half read book turned up side down, so as to retrieve the page last read at ease. A faint “Nee thaane enthan pon vasantham” from “Ninaivellam Nithya” fills in the air and a rhythmic “Tadak- Tadak” of the distant rumbling of a train adds to the charm of the moment. He smiles and the smile expands into a light laugh. A squirrel had just failed in its attempt to eat the entire mango and the mango had fallen on the ground. The noise disturbs the laugh and a loud sigh escapes him. A moment later he is back into his laugh. Now the distant rumbling had been replaced with a loud hissing and horn. He could see the head lights of the train and it signals him of something. He folds the chair, takes the book and gets down. He switches on the TV news. “Someone shot dead somewhere”- the TV blares in high pitch. LIFE- he thinks - IS pleasant. Wednesday, April 27, 2005The tale of two posts!Beleifs can be False... But Faith??? Love is Faith... I wrote much more...rather a long post in that...but due to the sick memory of mine....its lying waste in the comp there...But I can always post interesting stuff...I got myself "Mehndi"ed...ie...had lots of "Marudhaani"...so asked my sister to help me out in putting up a design in my hands...and now both my palms are red with Mehndi... And I had left Chennai only to return there in a couple of days...I had come to my native...to drop my cousin sister at her house...and a new entrant to our house...a red Victor GLX 125 CC...after a long argument with my father settled for the red...he preferred blue...but all my dreams of taking the bike with me to Hyderabad had to be sacrificed...coz of the NOC rule...I couldn't get NOC before settling the full amount...I had taken it in Installements...so would have to wait a bit longer before I can lay my hands on the bike.... Update at 01:46 PM: Would it matter if the past was painful? Should it matter if the future would be even more painful? Why should it be felt that past can't be forgotten? Isn't the future made up of present? And the present by the past? Will the past go off, if you forget them? For, the person thinking of forgetting the past, Looses the present in the thought And the Future in not thinking of the present. Never realises the continuum called LIFE Thinks of Life as a differential! While it is an integral of small moments. Iam no philosopher! But the scary truths had dawned on me. Only to make me realise that the truths had never been scary. It's the Human preponderance with Lies that makes the truth seem scary! The meaning of existence- is what we define it to be. When the definition is in your hand, Isn't it stupidity to search for the meaning in void? The irony of life is not in its duality, But in its concealment! Thanks to the known Enigma for the inspiration for this post! Sunday, April 24, 2005Phew!! An year now!!It has been a year now that I started blogging. Last year, the time was around 6:30, when I got into a cyber café in Dombivili, Mumbai (or is it Thane?) and started typing something. That time, the title of the blog was “My Experiences with Train travel in Mumbai”. The blog was intended to be a repository of my thoughts during the predominantly long train travels from Thakurli to Santa Cruz in Mumbai for my summers. Then the blog travelled places, changed titles, managed many topics, from book review to politics, to being a private rambling point, remaining a dairy of sorts taking in all the petty stuff that I managed to think on and write down. Now, turning back, I see that the first two months had been a complete rambling account. Later it underwent a metamorphosis to being a thought archive. Now after a year, it is still a private dairy, but had seen many an ups and downs. It had been a good venting ground, sometime been my anonymous communication pad and many more. For all these and more, this post is to commemorate the first anniversary of my blog. Please join me in congratulating my blog long life and continued health. After all, even it suffers from occasional loading problems and page errors. Now, back to my normal postings: My stay in Chennai had been punctured by a sudden death of a distant relative, by hospitalization of cousin sister’s child (11 month old) and some lighter moments. My cousin sister’s son got some viral infection and was admitted in hospital and was administered saline. My observation in hospital leaves many a questions:Are the ladies (n general) more interested in beauty than any thing else? This is because, when I stayed in the hospital, I saw many a ladies beautifying themselves at the first stroke of the clock. Right at 7:00, they bathe and then start dressing up. They bring all sorts of cosmetics, including Talc, mirrors, and comb (these are not cosmetics, but then….). This beautifying goes on till the chief doctor or the morning breakfast (whichever is first) comes. The routine never changes, whether anyone of those come or not. This also doesn’t depend on the severity of the ailment of the child. The hospital being Child Trust in Nungambakkam, the patients are only children and it is really a terrible sight to see those young kids suffer from pain and cry. I just couldn’t stand there. My only prayer all the time was that there should be no aliment for children. There should be a better way to administer saline and trips. Those needles and those insertions are seriously a terrible way to health. There must be improvements in medicine technology so as to render injections redundant. Thursday, April 21, 2005Dreams!!!How do you Dream??
I normally dream in Colour...Vivid dreams you see. Infact my last dream went like this: I am waiting for something near the Gajendra Circle(at IITM) at around 5:00 PM. I could see the blue colour of the elephants there(infact the Gajendra Circle has a statue with elephants and a fountain)...I dont know what I am waiting for...but I waited there for long...till the night falls....then there was some bright light(most probably some vehicle...) Then I wake up to see the lights ON and my uncle standing next to me and waking me up...May be I blabbered..I don't know... Monday, April 18, 2005Nothing Much to do!!Been out on a shopping spree yesterday. Bought some necessities- cell phone tops the list. I think a simple cell phone that would make a call, receive it and send some occasional SMS would be enough for me for the time being (at least). Nokia 1100 fits the bill perfectly. It’s sleek, simple, cheap, user friendly and more than everything, I had already used it and so had got used to it. I feel comfortable using it and so settled for it. Thought of going for the 1108, but the incremental benefit that I would get from 1108, is less than the incremental cost associated with it. The display doesn’t come in my priority list for a mobile yet. May be it would be the deciding factor in the months to come, once I get bored of this display. But, the biggest surprise is that I bought the set for Rs.2800/-. It seems that 1100 is the cheapest set around. Saturday, April 16, 2005Back to NormalAfter a long hiatus, I am back in Chennai. Had been in my native for a fairly long time, since my engineering days. Sometimes, village life is a pure bliss. With nothing to distract, life goes on as smooth as Aishwarya’s cheeks. Saw the raising sun after a long time…Got to feel the dew in grass- it’s a superb feeling to walk in the paddy fields after harvest, thrashing the dry but hard paddy plant under your feet. It can hurt, but with careful practice, it is joyous. Pump set bath- an awesome experience. With almost uninterrupted power supply and the main stay being paddy and sugar cane, the pump sets would be available all time and so nothing stops you from bathing for an hour or two. There is a huge temple near my place. Its called Thiruathigai. If one remembers the Thirugyana Sambhandhar’s history, it would be a familiar place. It is the place where, his sister- Thilagavathiyar was married. The temple is a “Paadal Petra Stalam” and also, one of the “Asta Veereta Stalam( one of the eight places, where Lord Shiva did “Samhaaram”- meaning, killed the demons) and is in war footing. Here, he is the “Tiri Puram Eritha Sivan” the place where Shiva burnt the three forts- of Gold, Silver ad Copper of the Demon. The temple at sunset is a soothing and refreshing place to be. I repeat- its bliss. I guess the cable TV operator in my native is a DMK sympathizer. Except for the solar family, (read Sun TV n its Cohorts), nothing else is available. DD is provided thanx to the directive from the government. Otherwise, one is left to the mercy of the Sun, K, Sun Music, Sun News, Surya and Gemini. But the happenings there leaves no complaints..who would complain if he gets a chance to watch classics like, Thillaana Moghanaambhal, Mouvnam Samadham, Kadhallikka Naeramillai, Punnagai Mannan, Pudhu Kavidhai, Sindhu Bhairavi etc. Some times, lack of choice is also a blessing. But to say the truth, it becomes boring after a couple of weeks. So, switched to my bell weather hobby- reading. Read some amazing classics like Ponniyin Selvan, Sivaghamiyin Sabhatham, Paarthiban Kannavu. I finished Sivaghamiyin Sabhatham(1280 pages) in 10 hours. Think my reading speed had gone down. I should have finished it in 8 hours. It’s a brilliant book… My native being an Internet draught place hadn’t given many chances for me to blog. Occassionaly I would browse, but then browsing centre isn’t that great a place to blog. Infact I tried posting, and typed a rather long post…but before I finished my post, the entire system hung up…and my post was gone. That was my last attempt to post anything from a browsing centre. But in Chennai, I don’t have any problem posting… I type everything offline and just copy paste it to post…simple. Couple of surprises for me in Chennai….first and foremost is the changed layout of The Hindu…it isn’t the old Hindu that I grew up reading from my 7th standard. In its new avatar, it is just as good(or bad) as TOI. Plainly uninspiring. The two leader page articles had been cut to just one. The cartoon occupies the second article’s space. Hindu seems to have lost its originality. Even the headings for the features like Religion, This Day That Age etc resembles TOI. Time(s) is catching up with Hindu- Is it?? Second Surprise is Renu…would keep it offline. Would be in Chennai for a week. Got some purchases to make and some treats to receive and give. One such had already been received. Other treat to receive would be that of Palavesam. Would have to speak with Raj and Venky for the date, venue and time for that. After that, would go back to native. Got some marriages and Upanayanams( the Sacred thread wearing ceremony) to attend.Would be leaving to Hyderabad on May 2nd. Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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