Straight Angle™: First Indian website for disabled!
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

First Indian website for disabled! 

First Indian website for disabled

It is good to see that atlast India has woken up to the reality. It is nice to have the web site,but the one question is that "Do Indian disabled really use Internet?"..though the step is in the right direction, I think it is a bit premature in India, where the last mile connectivity for telephone itself is an issue and there are people who are still untouched by electricity and roads. An attempt of this sort in all its good intentions would serve very little for the really needy. The government has to focus on providing the differently enabled people avenues to grow and support in a much broad based manner. The reservations would be one such. Also, by providing incentives to private companies employing differently enabled people, Government can ensure welfare. These intiatives should not be restricted to the efforts by the government alone. Public awareness should be created for a more tolerable approach. The public perception of differently enabled hasn't crossed the realm of one of sympathy. This should change and equal opportunity should be given. Undue doubts and mental reservations about working with differently enabled should be changed. The schools would be an ideal teaching ground for such an initiative. The differences should be accomodated and not laughed upon. Media can also play an important role in such matter, by not portraying a laughable picture about differently enabled and by not making a comedy track in films around the differently enabled person. All said, initiatives like these are a correct and wonderfull beginnings in the correct direction.


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