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Straight Angle™: July 2006
Monday, July 31, 2006Chance Surprises!ஆ:சங்கீத ஸ்வரங்கள் ஏழே கணக்கா? இன்னும் இருக்கா?? என்னவோ மயக்கம்.... This song from Azhagan, had long been one of my favourites....I love the lyrics, the choreography, the picturization, the concept....in short every aspect of the song. When I heard it in my iPod, I noticed yet another aspect that really excited me. The song happens over phone through out the night and the concept of time would have been shown excellently- be it the night traffic's flow and the ebb, the DD's(Doordarshan) morning invocation, the Servant serving the morning Tea/ Coffee and opening the screens with a quizzed look- the picturization of the song deserves a special mention. However, apart from all these, the music scores over everything else. The surprise (or rather an exciting) discovery is that, SPB's voice comes in the right speaker and Sandhiya's voice in the left...May be this might have dawned on many people, but this is the first time that I am figuring out this- through out the entire song, the SPB's voice comes in the right side and Sandhiya's in the left....as such happening over phone...excellent attention to details I should say..what do you say? Labels: Apple Thursday, July 27, 2006Funny iPod!It's sometimes funny how the shuffle option works in iPod...or for that matter any music player. Today morning, when in bus on the way to work, I was treated to a funny variety. The exact order is reproduced here: I wanna be your underwear The Next one- This is absolute fun. Enjoy...I was lol all the way! Labels: Apple Wednesday, July 26, 2006Why I love Apple (sic)Ummmm..this might be one of the reasons that I love Apple. The mere serendipity of the discovery beats all the product manuals and user guides. When I bought the iPod, I was surprised to find the pack with a single sheet of user manual. It just said what is inside, had a diagram describing the various parts and the ways to play, pause, rewind and forward the songs. It had instructions on how to load the songs..and believe me- thats it..Nothing more to it. When I had only a handful of songs, I never found it difficult to navigate. It was simple. I stored all based on Albums and Artists..So I would directly go there, and the scrolling was reduced to the minimum possible. But when my play lists exploded to thousands, I thought its going to be a task to first arrive at the exact song that I want to play. But I never gave a thought to the period that I kept scrolling to arrive at the song. Sometime back it appeared to me that I was able to reach the fag end of the play list faster than I thought it would take, but I didn’t give much thought about it then because I wasn't thinking that the scroll disk would be so intelligent to sense my intention and feed me songs faster. But that is exactly what it seems to do. I wasn't expecting the scroll disk to be so sensible and intelligent. Apple simply bowls me over. Labels: Apple Friday, July 21, 2006Microsoft's Special!Well- this video would be a pretty old thing for the netizens. But I couldnt resist myself when I saw this video in YouTube[via Techdirt]. This, in my opinion clearly reveals the difference between the companies. Though this parody has been doing the rounds in the net for some 4 months now, I got to see it in YouTube only now. I have the .wmv file with me... As the write up says, may be the video was made for internal communication purposes...which means, MS knows what it lacks..but then what is the point in just knowing what the problem is, when you can't correct it...
So, as I would like to belive, there would never be a Google Killer or an iPod Killer will never see the light of the day...as long as it is Microsoft that is trying these ;) Thursday, July 20, 2006Orkutting!It really surprises me when people write all things that are not to be written in public and accuse others of reading them...I mean, I have a friend, who has an Orkut account and scraps running in thousands. Now, it doesn't occur to him that he needs to exercise caution in what he writes in scrap book- ignoring the fact that Orkut is a public place and anyone is free to read the scraps that he writes. Isn't it then in your sane mind, that you don't make certain things public, and then accuse others of peddling in your privacy??Why are the tens of other communication techniques there- I mean the more private things, like Messengers, Mails, SMS and simple phone calls. When you put something in public forums like Orkut, you ought to take responsibility for what you write there. There is simply no point in asking others how can he/she read the scraps!..Scraps are there to be read...It is your stupidity to have written things you consider personal there. Monday, July 10, 2006Speaking iPod!Oops!!..May be I was a bit early!;-)...Now a speaking iPod.[Via Techmeme]. But all said and done, iPod rocks...it truly rocks...most of my time now goes on with my iPod lapped into my trousers and the ears phone snugged into the ears- oblivious to the external world..Umm...such a nice and peaceful thing to do! With the iPod, I do get to discover the beauty of songs that I wouldn't have heard otherwise- Put the pod in shuffle mode and then you chance upon some awesome songs...one such is the Unnavida. Shreya Ghosal and Kamal Haasan had given the song a nice touch. It touches the cord at all the right places- especially when you get to hear it in a slight drizzle standing near the gates in the metro train with the moist air beating down on your face and you are wondering where you are heading to. உன் கூட நான் கூடி இருந்திட எனக்கு ஜென்மம் ஒண்ணு போதுமா நூறு ஜென்மம் வேணும் அத கேக்கரேன் சாமிய நூறு ஜென்மம் நமக்குப் பொதுமா? வேற வரம் ஏதும் கேட்போமா? சாகா வரம் கேட்போம் அந்த சாமிய அந்த சாமிய Umm....n so it goes! Labels: Apple Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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