Straight Angle™: Perils of misunderstood Technology!
Monday, November 07, 2005

Perils of misunderstood Technology! 

When you think you know much about technology, it is at that precise point that, IT decides that you don't know even to comprehend english, let alone master Technology!...

Was going through my usual daily reads, when I came across this piece of information!...

As it was interesting enough to make me try it once, I wrote a decently long mail, [without reading the entire stuff- I guess I read it, but I was too distracted to understand what was written in that!], I keyed in the To address(that was the most mailed email id too), pressed enter, thinking that this would be delivered a year later to the recepient.

Only then, did the message came up, telling that, a confirmation mail had been sent to the mail address and asking me to confirm that too....Then, it dawned on me...I was supposed to send a mail to myself, such that I will receive it later in some years time...

But, I had sent it to someone else...Now, I feel stupid...To have not read the instructions, to have not understood what it means- as always, understanding what things mean had always been a problem with me...

This happened in the early hours of my work and I couldn't stop teasing myself and laughing even now!..

So much for my tech savvyness and pride with it...I deserve it!!


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