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Straight Angle™: October 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008கண்ணன் மனநிலையை தங்கமே தங்கம்!!கண்ணன் மனநிலையை தங்கமே தங்கம் கண்டு வரவேணுமடி தங்கமே தங்கம் எண்ணம் உரைத்துவிடில் தங்கமே தங்கம் பின்னர் எதுனிலும் செய்வமடி தங்கமே தங்கம் கன்னிகையாய் இருந்து தங்கமே தங்கம் நாங்கள் காலம் கழிப்பமடி தங்கமே தங்கம் அன்னிய மன்னர் மக்கள் பூமியில் உண்டாம் என்னும் அதனையும் சொல்லிடடி தங்கமே தங்கம் சொன்ன மொழி தவறும் மன்னவனுக்கே எங்கும் தோழமை இல்லையடி தங்கமே தஙம் என்ன பிழைகள் இங்கு கண்டிருக்கின்றான் அவை யாவும் தெளிவுபெற கேட்டு விடடி மையல் கொடுத்து விட்டு தங்கமே தங்கம் தலைமறைந்து திரிபவர்க்கு மானமும் உண்டோ பொய்யை உருவமென கொண்டவன் என்று கிழப்பம் நீ உரைத்ததுண்டு தங்கமே தங்கம் ஆற்றந்கரை அதனில் முன்னம் ஒரு நாள் என்னை அழைத்து தனி இடத்தில் பேசியதெல்லாம் தூற்றி நகர் முரசு சாற்றுவன் என்று சொல்லி வருவையடி தங்கமே தங்கம் This is the poem from Bharathi. Reading this, I am still amazed on the nuances that Bharathy has been able to capture in this song. The song presumes a girl in love with Krishna and in a scene where Krishna has not met the girl for sometime or where there is some "ஊடல்" as they call it - I couldnt find an equivalent english word to capture the sense of that word- anyways, with that in mind, if you read this poem, you can find first the girl's helplessness, asking the parrot to get to know Krishna's mind- saying if he speaks his mind, then may be I can decide on something- "எண்ணம் உரைத்துவிடில் தங்கமே தங்கம் பின்னர் எதுனிலும் செய்வமடி தங்கமே தங்கம்"- and she also says, I would rather stay unmarried- I dont think Virgin would make appropriate sense here- the beauty of this phrase is that the Girl seem to be speaking for a group of girls rather than herself, when she says that they would remain Unmarried- you can sense the feeling of jealousy and "That which I didnt get would not be gotten by others too"- kinda self centered moun. And this just in the next line morphs to one of indifference, saying we would find a king if not you. Bharathi has been able to capture this sense of disillusionment with an object of desire when that doesnt seem to be coming our way. How many time would have we thought the same way with an object of desire? Atleast I have gotten over with some of them on the same lines as abject helplessness to one of hope to one of despair to one of indifference to one of disgust. :) Then, comes the disgust part- cursing Krishna that if he doesnt keep up with his words, then there is no friends for him anywhere and noone would look onto him. Then the cycle of emotions come back to the same starting point- this time seeing a cause of guilt -questioning self if there are any mistakes on her own- a willingness to take the blame for the sake of him. Then again, the own self image takes the upper hand and comes the next curse as to asking if someone who hadnt kept his word has any self respect- and also blaming self for trusting him, when everyone [including the parrot] had indicated about the cheat that is Krishna. The last one is the most interesting verse of the entire poem- the direct threat to expose him to the public- this I find the most interesting part of any of the romantic escapades. The implicit understanding of the undesirability of making what is private, public- I hadnt come across anywhere, where this implied secrecy of the intimacy is used as a arguing point.... I am still relishing the poem for all the multitude of emotions that it brings out of humans and its gut in bringing Him to be just another mortal, with all its emotions and constraints...pretty interesting thought...... Labels: Bharathi, Interesting, Tamil, Thoughts Jus been Free Counter Get awesome blog templates like this one from BlogSkins.com © All that is written here are the Genuine Products of the Intellect of the author and are protected by the relevant copyright acts...If you wish to quote the highness you can do so at your own risk and at risk to the integrity of the author's cerebrum.
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