Straight Angle™: February 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008

Old Time Stories!! 

The Hindu and its sycophantic leader-page articles are back in the business- this time it is Vidya Subramaniam with such gem of a piece of an article- invoking the parallels between the iconic hare- tortoise with that of Congress and BJP. And she has wonderful logic and reason and hard data- as always. Just like she was accurate with her predictions about the Gujarat elections, where the Moditva [Hindutva- as the case may be- when she is whining loud or crying] was surely defeated and routed lock stock and barrel.

This time she comes up with such marvels:
Consider the three political formations as they now exist — the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance, the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance, and the yet to concretise third alternative.
While a third alternative "exist" in the first line, it is yet to concretise at the third- there sure must be a lot of slip between the cup and the lip. Then follows her usual tirade and then another pearl of a wisdom:
The opposition needs to declare its prime ministerial candidate, not the ruling party........When that possible new leader is a young and untested member of the dynasty it also calls attention to the party’s bankruptcy.
She wants the Congress to dispel the confusion on the Prime Ministerial candidate and she herself seem to be confused- if there is no need for the ruling party to declare its PM , then why should Congress try to 'dispel' the confusion and if the possible leader being a "young and untested member of the dynasty" calls attention to the party's bankruptcy, then there is absolutely no point in speaking about or clarifying the leadership question..is there?

The high point of the article comes when she says,
Indira Gandhi earned her spurs. Sonia Gandhi has proven her worth. Rahul Gandhi cannot talk meritocracy and rely on aristocracy.
I am still wondering when has Sonia Gandhi proven her worth?- You mean the Gujarat Victory or the Himachal Pradesh win?- Vidya only knows what even God doesn't know!


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Swarnasrikrishnan, Male, 28, India, Tamilnadu, Chennai, Tamil, English, Malayalam, German, Hindi(??)

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