Straight Angle™: March 2006
Friday, March 31, 2006

Here is to 30 years of Apple - Fresh 

Here, is to wish another 30 years or more for the Apple Computers Inc., This April, Apple turns 30....30 phenominal years of some of the best kick ass launches and latest iPod...

Caught hold of two ads that were released long back for Apple. Looking at the ads, its simply overwhelming to note the changes that time had done to the company and to the world- I leave it to your judgement- Time, as they say does do wonders....[Ads taken from Wired Blog]

Read the first ad before to understand what I mean...;)


Sunday, March 19, 2006


Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! The fresh scent of books...the smell of flesh to a carnivore....been denied the pleasures of the smell for the past 4 months.....the last book that I took out to read was, Crime and Punishment- that was in November, in Mangalore.....then, things happened fast- very fast....Slipped out in my reading..Now that things are slowly settling back to their predictable best, ventured out...bought 4 books- The Mistress of Spices (Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni), An Equal Music (Vikram Seth) and East of Eden (John Steinbeck) and The Monk who sold his Ferrari- Gave that book to a friend. Left with the first three!

Need to start devouring them....one by one!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006


The days are long, hot and humiliating- to fear stepping out, to fear looking at the Sun, to fear tanning- to fear anything is humiliating. It is not unusual in these parts of the country to be hot in this time of the year. The shadows search for a shadow to hide from the gruelling heat. I take refuge in the chill interiors of the office and not venture out till its safe to do so. That day was nothing special.

Nights are relatively cooler and are pleasant. They are normally endowed with a Gegenschein, before the shroud covers it all and cajoles the world to shut it's lights too!!..at such times, my room is the only refuge -That night too was nothing different- just as usual.

The constant hum of the A/c and the eerie buzz of the fan at full speed, is submerged in the sweet melody of "Senthamizh thenmozhiyaal" of "Then-Kinnam".

Forgotten faces of yesterdays, unknown yet familiar faces- names that seem to reside in the throat for ever, never seeing the light of the day....names that require just the initial syllable, even a half syllable- a syllable thought of uttering, but uttered just enough to show changes in the facial muscles- these are the memories of the past- a glorious past, only to be forgotten by time and other similar such names, faces and situations!

The room is completely dark, but for the glow of the tele, with the glow's intensity changing as fast as the screen changes...suddenly, there are different strokes of light...strokes that are completely out of sync with the screens in the TV- so random that they catch your attention immediately.

Startled by the sudden discovery and the curiosity that it brought in, I peep out through the tinted glass...a couple of silver linings amongst the otherwise dark mass, indicate the cause...Ahhhh!!!

I have to experience that..the first few seconds of petrichor sweeping the ground- the first few seconds of bliss, when the grey road would be fuming, when the heat of the ground hisses out....overcome by desire, I run out of the room, decend the three floors in seconds, go out to the road and feel the warmth of the cool breeze...

I look up at the sky, there are dark horses roaming about the vast expanse...stories that were told at childhood come flooding...Indra cracking his whip, Arjuna rescuing everyone from the thunders, and some more childish versions- God's urinating on the mortals....cross the mind with a wry smile.

The gaurd standing at the entrance, couldn't identify the cause of my barging out and then standing there - as if to waiting for someone. Concerned, he enquires about me- Am I waiting for someone or expecting someone searching for someone..I thank him for the concern and move away. This meeting had to be secret- as between me and my girl friend!

I roam about the pathways....will be here anytime..cool breeze from the South makes it almost a certainty. There are more thunders and lightning. Waiting for such an experience is worth every second of the wait- and that too, it wouldn't be long...a couple of minutes...may be half an hour-worth it!

There are more clouds and more thunders- more lightning and more cooler breeze. The timer in the cell phone is the only indicator of my patience. The clouds move away, the breeze turns warmer- I keep waiting- I wud not miss it this time!!

The waiting turns painfull- I will wait.
The waiting turns unbearable -I will wait.
The waiting becomes impossible- I leave.

As I walk with stooped shoulders and a sullen face, the gaurd gives a surprised look. I couldnt explain him the reason...

I reach the room, switch on the tele and settle down in the bed- the glass is misty with the first drops of a heavy downpour!!

I no longer want it!!

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:: Adam Smith's Controlled Greed ::

Swarnasrikrishnan/Male/28. Lives in India/Tamilnadu/Chennai, speaks Tamil, English, 

Malayalam, German, Hindi(??). Eye color is black. I am a god. I am also optimistic.
It's me machan:

Swarnasrikrishnan, Male, 28, India, Tamilnadu, Chennai, Tamil, English, Malayalam, German, Hindi(??)

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